Nursery Rhymes

Robin and Richard

We have placed this Nursery Rhyme, Robin and Richard, in our category 'Lost Lyrics of an Old Nursery Rhyme'. Can you help us identify the the place of origin or history of this lesser known children's nursery rhyme? Alternatively, do you know of any Nursery Rhymes that we might include in this unusual section? Can you remember a nursery rhyme that we have not included? Please e-mail us with any suggestions and become part of our Nursery Rhyme site (we will credit you with any additions!)

Robin and Richard
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

Robin and Richard were two pretty men,
They laid in bed till the clock struck ten;
Then up starts Robin and looks in the sky:
"Oh, brother Richard, the sun's very high!
The bull's in the barn threshing the corn;
The cocks on the hayrick blowing is horn"

Robin and Richard
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history


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Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location

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