Nursery Rhymes

Tom Tom the Pipers Son

Origin of Tom Tom the pipers son in Scotland?

The words of Tom Tom the pipers son were not based on a person in Scottish history (pipers son).

The title 'piper's son' referred to any piper in the English army or navy.

This nonsense rhyme for children had an obvious moral!

The words used in the phrase 'went roaring down the street' are unusual and convey the strength of the beating.

The origin of "Tom Tom the Piper's son" date back to the 18th century.

Tom Tom the Pipers Son poem

Tom Tom the pipers son
Stole a pig and away he ran,
The pig was eat and Tom was beat
And Tom went roaring down the street.

Tom Tom the Pipers Son poem

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Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location

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