Nursery Rhymes

There was an Old Woman

We have placed this Nursery Rhyme in our category 'Lost Lyrics of an Old Nursery Rhyme'.

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Help us to maintain our history and heritage through the words and lyrics of old Nursery Rhymes like 'There was an old woman Tossed up in a basket'


There was an Old Woman
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

There was an old woman
Tossed up in a basket
Seventeen times as high as the moon.
Where she was going
I just had to ask it,
For in her hand she carried a broom.

"Old woman, old woman,
Old woman," said I,
"Please tell me, please tell me,
Why you're up so high?"
"I'm sweeping the cobwebs
Down from the sky,
And I'll be with you
By and by."

Alternative lyrics to last lines
Our grateful thanks go to Victor Bertolaso who remembered other words to this song (from about 1935), sung to the tune of 'Lilibolero".

"Old woman, old woman,
Old woman," say I,
Whither oh whither,
Oh wither so high?"
"To sweep the cobwebs from sky."
"May I go with you ?"
"Yea, By and by."

Jon White from Dorset has also pointed out that the tune to the nursery rhyme 'Old Woman Tossed Up' has been used as a Morris Dance music for many years. Thanks Jon!

There was an Old Woman
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

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Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location

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