Nursery Rhymes

I'll tell you a Story about Jack a Nory

We were surprised and delighted when we found the nursery rhyme 'I'll tell you a story About Jack a Nory'. It has no connection to an historical event or person that we are aware of but was significant to our own childhoods! During the 1960's we used to watch a children's English BBC TV programme called 'Jackanory'. A celebrity of the day would sit in front of the camera and simply read a story from a book. Never having heard of the Nursery Rhyme 'I'll tell you a story About Jack a Nory' no connection was ever made - we just thought it was a weird word which rhymed with story! 'Jackanory' continued until 1996 and was watched by my own son when he came home from school.

I'll tell you a story about Jack a Nory
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

I'll tell you a story
About Jack a Nory,
And now my story's begun;

I'll tell you another
About Jack and his brother,
And now my story's done.

I'll tell you a story about Jack a Nory
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

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Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location

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