Rhymes trivia quiz
Rhymes trivia quiz
nursery rhyme lyrics & origins

rhymes trivia quiz


Nursery Rhymes Lyrics and Origins

Come let's to bed

Nursery Rhymes Lyrics, Origins and History


We have placed this Nursery Rhyme, Come Let's To Bed, in our category 'Lost Lyrics of an Old Nursery Rhyme'. Can you help us identify the the place of origin or history of this lesser known children's nursery rhyme? Contact us at webmaster@rhymes.org.uk we'd love to hear from you!

Tarry - An Old English word!
The word 'tarry' means to delay or be late in going. It has now been dropped from the English language. Its origins date back to Old English and use of the word was made by the English writer Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) from The Franklin’s Tale in his famous work 'Canterbury Tales'. Chaucer worked in the court of King Edward III and was often sent on Diplomatic missions. He married Philippa Roet, who was the sister of John of Gaunt's third wife Katherine Swynford.

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of old Nursery Rhymes like 'Come Let's To Bed'

Mothergoose - blow wind blow

Come let's to bed
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

Come let's to bed, says Sleepy-head;
Tarry a while, says Sow;
Put on the pan, says Greedy Nan,
Let's sup before we go.

Come let's to bed
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history


Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location


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Written By Linda Alchin